I’m writing a book that I had hoped would be out by this summer… maybe it still will. I’ve had a few life events that keep pushing the launch out. But, I’m determined to publish it this year. Why am I writing a book? I wanted to help my clients and others that struggle with color by simplifying it for them. So, in the meantime, I thought I’d start a blog to get some of the information out there and start some buzz.

late 2021.
The name of the book is Everything You Never Wanted to Know About Color: A Guide for the Color-Challenged Entrepreneur. I know, that’s a long title… too long for a blog name. If you just look at the initials, it’s EYNWKAC and that doesn’t help. I had thought about rearranging the letters and calling it NEW YACK. Okay, I know. But, it’s sort of a play on NEW YORK, but what does that have to do with anything? I thought it was cute and maybe it could catch on… go viral… or not. My focus group (my mom and daughter) said that maybe I should come up with something else.
So, I reached back into my archive and found a list of possible names for a webinar I had done on color theory, color psychology, and color space, and my focus group and I agreed on “Dot Dot Color.” The dots are representative of the dots on my ladybug logo. Oh, have I told you that story? The Ladybug symbol comes from my last name being Bugh. I was in an Internet chat room, years ago, as “JanieBugh” and someone said, “There’s a Ladybug in the house.” So, the next time I signed on as “Ladybug” and it stuck. Having the ladybug face to the right shows forward-thinking and the twirling trails left behind show that my path has not always been the most direct. The 30 dots on the ladybug’s back represent the over 30 years I have in the industry.
Dots, to me, represent experience, proficiency, and fun. And what’s more fun than color. Dot Dot Color is intended to make color fun for everyone… even the color-challenged entrepreneur.